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Shipping is a piece of cake!

What makes a good cake? It's not the frosting or intricate designs. Its the taste and texture. If you can eat it in the morning for breakfast...its a GOOD cake! We want you to be able to experience a few of our favorites. Once you place an order, your cake is baked, and vacuum sealed so that you get that 'fresh from the oven' taste!

Crunchy, chewy, powdered, rolled in sugar or filled with delicious surprises. How can you not love cookies? All of our cookies and cakes are dairy free!  They can also be made egg free and gluten free upon request. If you have any allergy or dietary restrictions, make sure to let us know in the 'add note' section at checkout. We will contact you, to make sure your order is exactly what you need!

Contact Us / TEL: 251-270-1096

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